We can do it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Love yourself, love yourself everyday. Love your skin, love your eyes, love your hips, love your nose, love your thighs, love your breasts, love your feet. You are unique. No one in this whole world is like you. You deserve to be loved. You deserve to feel beautiful, because you are. Embrace who you are today. Not who you will be or could be. No one is perfect and who would want to be. And trust me, those girls you see who seem perfect, you know the ones. With the perfect life, perfect body, great job, perfect husband...the girl who has everything...you know her. I know her. Well believe it or not she gets down on herself to. She hates her thighs, she wishes she could do what she loved for a living instead of having to be perfect all the time, wishes her husband paid more attention to her. What I'm saying is everyone has a story. Remember that. Focusing on other people and what they have is just wasting your time and bringing females further apart when we should be lifting each other up! What good does being katty do? And remember that only YOU can change how you feel about yourself. If you wait for a man to do it trust me sister it aint ever gonna happen! Look at yourself! Look in the mirror and be happy with who you are today! Flaws and all we are all beautiful! Embrace yourself! Take time for you! You deserve it!