Mediocrity, Social Status and The One Upper

Friday, October 23, 2009

In today's society it seems things have really been dumbed down for us. Every time I turn on the radio, the tv, open a magazine...there it is. Mediocrity. It seems the more and more we are force feed by the media the more and more we become complacent. Is it just me or does it seem that most of what's out there right now...well...its not very good.

In an age were we have news in the speed of light more and more information is available to us the pressure to be perfect is abundant. Everyone is on the move, myself included. Michael Jackson dies and vast majority of the world knows within 5 minutes! Does this seem insane to you? It does to me! But I digress...the thing I want to talk about today is Mediocrity. Were does it come from, how do you battle it and how do you recognize it.

There are levels in society. People who take what they are given and people who look above and below for something different. A large majority of America is perfectly fine with their Fox news, Superbowl Sunday, Pizza Hut, big gulp, Creed, Wal-Mart, American Idol, Ford truck driven lifestyle. Most people...there are other people, myself included, who say "you know what, I'm not taking this. There is more to life". But it continues even further. So you've surpassed the level of generic America, but then there is the next know Nat Geo watching, Jack Johnson, Starbucks loving America (let me say, if you love these things it does not make you this person, its just a generalization). They are a step up and a little more inclined to be open minded. But no, it doesnt stop there! Then you have your hipsters. They know everything and are cooler then you will ever be (did you NOT see that Urban Outfitters t-shirt they just spent $50 on! That should have told you right away)...or so they think. Most of these people like to read books you've never heard of, music that's local and you will never know and believe me will act completely one above you for having such knowledge and edgy tastes. And then there are the really cool people, like wow, I cant believe how cool they are. They are cooler then hipsters, cooler then mid America, cooler then everyone. You dont even know these people. Because you arent cool enough to know them. They hang out in posh inner circles, dress in designer labels and wear chic vintage clothing and getting into said circles requires major major ass kissing and knowing just the right person, and even then it doesnt gaurentee you a ticket in. And then there's the good people. You know who you are, the people who are just trying to get by. Not trying to feed into the bullshit but still make your mark. We have friends in all groups and we dont discriminate. We read, listen and love varied things but we dont market ourselves under a certain status quo. And then, it goes even much further I'd have to write a novel to break down all of the different social circles that exist. But I've covered the most basics for you above. And the messed up thing, most people dont even know this exists! Its all tongue in cheek and its the same people, running in each of these same little circles constantly trying to out do the other.

These are just a few examples of The One Uppers...

Your soccer mom's have their parent teacher conferences and cocktail party's for their brookside catholic social group. They are all outdoing each other in social status...who has the nicest SUV, who has the wealthiest husband. Its not malicious, and its rarely even spoken about. But believe me, it exists in the minds of these women and its channeled out through katty jibber jabber after a $15 dollar bottle of Pinot Grigio and spin dip at the local Cheesecake Factory.

Then there's the Missouri red necks competing in who has the biggest truck and American eagle decal on their rear view window (equipped with a fake pair of steel balls hanging from the back of the truck, just to PROVE how manly they are!)

The indie kids and their constant attempts to see who can dress the most like a homeless person. (its tragic the styles these kids are wearing and then guys with their over grown beards! UGH! SHAVE PLEASE!)

As you progress up the social circle this "competition" shifts into many different forms. In my social circle for example its art. Art in the form of music, burlesque, photography, painting, small local business and the such. Everyone is trying to out do someone. They all talk. Everyone knows everyone's business, or at least they think they do. And that's were it gets all messed up. Instead of communicating and helping each other and embracing our differences we go around trash talking one another. And each group produces different qualities of work. Much of it could be considered "mediocre" by some people's standards, some of it is good and a few are exceptional. But what work did this person do to get were they are? My belief is if you work hard you will be talented at what you do, you will succeed and will be rewarded for your dedication to your craft. But how do you deal with it when your out there working hard and other people who do the same thing as you throw out mediocre work and are rewarded for it? You can see the lack of skill, the lack of time and effort, the quick fix for self gratification and ego boost. This was something I never dreamed I would encounter upon my entrance into the world of pin-up photography. You have an original idea, you pioneer it and shape it and bust your ass at it and watch the copy cats roll on in! Its just the way the world works. Its mediocrity being praised by mediocrity. So how do you battle this? Well my friends, this is my struggle. I'm not a jealous person. In my core I really believe every person deserves to be respected for whatever it is that they do. My frustration comes when someone pops into the scene, they do something mediocre and years later they havent improved and they walk around acting like they own the world because they've earned a little social status. If you are going to do something, anything, no matter what it is, DO IT WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE! Never settle. Grow and learn, be the best you can be. And once I took that approach, I didnt care so much about the copy cats and fly by nights. Because I know I work my ass off at what I do. I'm constantly learning, progressing, meeting new people, networking, building and dreaming as big as the world will let me. I do whatever I can to help lift up my fellow artist and local business owners and hope they will do the same for me. When you take a "we are all in this together" approach everything becomes so much simpler.

My point is, never stop trying to be the best that you can be. No matter what your social circle, no matter what you do or love. Always learn, always evolve and grow. Spending time watching what other people do and wishing you could achieve the same is pointless, its a waste of energy, especially when that desire is channeled into jealousy. This is something I've had to work on over the years. I think we all do when you get right down to it. But when you get to a point were you stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and focus only on yourself and how to grow...well that's when the world is yours.

True success doesnt come easy. If you see someone who is truly successful believe me they worked hard to get there. I believe there is maybe 2% of the population who are just naturally lucky and have had success handed to them. But for them the victory is hollow. When you can say you did it on your own, that's when it makes all the hard work worth it.

My challenge to you, whatever it is you do, do it the best you can. Never stop learning. There will always be someone better then you, prettier/more handsome, more talented, wealthier, cooler. Dont spend your energy focusing on that. Focus on you and making yourself the best you can be.

We can do it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Love yourself, love yourself everyday. Love your skin, love your eyes, love your hips, love your nose, love your thighs, love your breasts, love your feet. You are unique. No one in this whole world is like you. You deserve to be loved. You deserve to feel beautiful, because you are. Embrace who you are today. Not who you will be or could be. No one is perfect and who would want to be. And trust me, those girls you see who seem perfect, you know the ones. With the perfect life, perfect body, great job, perfect husband...the girl who has know her. I know her. Well believe it or not she gets down on herself to. She hates her thighs, she wishes she could do what she loved for a living instead of having to be perfect all the time, wishes her husband paid more attention to her. What I'm saying is everyone has a story. Remember that. Focusing on other people and what they have is just wasting your time and bringing females further apart when we should be lifting each other up! What good does being katty do? And remember that only YOU can change how you feel about yourself. If you wait for a man to do it trust me sister it aint ever gonna happen! Look at yourself! Look in the mirror and be happy with who you are today! Flaws and all we are all beautiful! Embrace yourself! Take time for you! You deserve it!


Vixen Pin-Up Photography's interview with Ink

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Article from Office Space for Ink

by Monica Watrous

Who she is: Owner of Vixen Pin-Up Photography.

How long she’s done it: Two and a half years.

Full service: Moreno photographs women in a retro pinup style — “classic 1920s stuff, World War II pinups, boudoir shots,” she says. She provides it all — hair and makeup, wardrobe, accessories and props.

“The only things we ask clients to bring are fake eyelashes, a good push-up bra and stockings if they want them.”

Scope her gallery or book a shoot at

Not just a pretty face: Clients get more than a set of sexy photos, Moreno says.

“They walk away a little more vivacious.”

Having worked in legal and financial offices in the past eight years, Moreno says her pinup business is a whimsical escape from corporate America.

How to look camera-ready: Moreno suggests standing tall with your chest out, turning to one side with hands on hips and keeping your toes pointed to elongate the body.

“If it feels uncomfortable, you probably look really good.”

Anyone can — and should — model, she says.

“No matter how old or what size you are, we want people to feel beautiful,” Moreno says.