I've personally known alot of ladies through my line of work. Some who have class but no sass and a few that have ass but no class. So were do we find the balance? How do you remain that sassy verbally outspoken woman while still remaining classy? Well, I'm going to give you a few helpful tips here to bring out that sassy lass with class and ass in you! This will be a series I will be continuing for a few weeks. Hope you enjoy!
Your body is a temple
Partying and SexDo you go out every weekend and drink like a fiend and fall down, make out with random people and wake up wondering why's my car in my yard and whose this stranger in my bed? Well, you might need to slow down a little there lass. One of the key properties in being a lady is knowing your limitations and when to say no. Granted there is a time and place for letting your hair down. And by all means do it! But follow these few simple rules...
a) Don't party down every weekend. People dont think "Wow she's a fun party girl!" They think "Wow, girl needs to slow down!". Protect your reputation, and your liver.
b) If you do need to get a little crazy make sure someone else is driving. And do it with trusted friends. Have someone you trust keep an eye on you. We live in dangerous times ladies and it doesnt take much to get yourself a little too drunk and in the wrong situation with the wrong people.
c) Dont make out with other girls to give men a rise. It just makes you look trashy. This rule is especially true for girls who really arent bisexual but want to get every guy in the room's attention.
d) Are you really going home with him? So you met a guy, and he's hot...and your drunk. Get his number and call him the next day. If you go home with him your likely to end up having unprotected sex or maybe in a dangerous situation with a complete stranger. Remember, everything looks much clearer a day later with a sober head.
e) Cheating, even if you were drunk and dont remember, is not acceptable. If you had followed rule b and had someone trusted watching you who said hey, probably not a good idea to cheat on your boyfriend you wouldnt be guilt ridden later. Just say no! If you really want to sleep with this guy break up with your current guy first. Its the least he deserves. No one likes a cheater.
f) If you are going to have sex with a new person make sure to wear protection. Nothing less sexy then some herpes on your mouth. And if its an old lover make sure to get tested before you decide to skip protection. STD rates are sky high ladies! Stand up and say sorry guy, no condom, no poontang. Yes, I just said poontang. Hey, you giggled right? Good!
Omg Becky, look at her butt!
Clothing that fits your body
Having curves is a beautiful thing. But having your tata's and ass hang out makes you look like a tramp! There is a fine line between sexy and trashy. Hear are a few rules to make sure you dont cross the line...
a) Choose one. If you're going to show a little cleavage cover up the booty. Going to show a little booty and some leg, wear a top that's not as revealing. Leaving a little to the imagination does wonders if you're trying to pick up a man. Giving him a free show may give him a rise but it wont make him take you seriously.
b) Buy clothing that fits your body well. Avoid the dreaded muffin top! No no no! Buy jeans that fit your booty! If your jeans do give you a little bulge over your jeans wear a tank top and tuck it into your pants and layer a looser fitting top over it. This way when you bend over your muffins arent there for the whole world to see.
c) No double boob. Trust me, I'm guilty of this being a chesty gal myself. And I know, sometimes it's unavoidable. But if you can, go get fitted for a bra. Most women are walking around wearing the wrong bra size. You'd be surprised how much your under clothes change the effect of your clothing. Invest in good bras and comfortable panties. You can find lots of cute, comfortable panties out there. And cover up those bra straps! You arent Carrie Bradshaw and neither am I! Only time this is in anyway acceptable is if you are wearing the most magnificent bra and dress and they happen to blend nicely with the straps.
d) OMG Shoes! Hooker boots and stripper shoes should remain in one place, the bedroom! Unless you are a stripper or a dancer. And then its ok. Because its your job. Otherwise, put them away ladies.
Having curves is a beautiful thing. But having your tata's and ass hang out makes you look like a tramp! There is a fine line between sexy and trashy. Hear are a few rules to make sure you dont cross the line...
a) Choose one. If you're going to show a little cleavage cover up the booty. Going to show a little booty and some leg, wear a top that's not as revealing. Leaving a little to the imagination does wonders if you're trying to pick up a man. Giving him a free show may give him a rise but it wont make him take you seriously.
b) Buy clothing that fits your body well. Avoid the dreaded muffin top! No no no! Buy jeans that fit your booty! If your jeans do give you a little bulge over your jeans wear a tank top and tuck it into your pants and layer a looser fitting top over it. This way when you bend over your muffins arent there for the whole world to see.
c) No double boob. Trust me, I'm guilty of this being a chesty gal myself. And I know, sometimes it's unavoidable. But if you can, go get fitted for a bra. Most women are walking around wearing the wrong bra size. You'd be surprised how much your under clothes change the effect of your clothing. Invest in good bras and comfortable panties. You can find lots of cute, comfortable panties out there. And cover up those bra straps! You arent Carrie Bradshaw and neither am I! Only time this is in anyway acceptable is if you are wearing the most magnificent bra and dress and they happen to blend nicely with the straps.
d) OMG Shoes! Hooker boots and stripper shoes should remain in one place, the bedroom! Unless you are a stripper or a dancer. And then its ok. Because its your job. Otherwise, put them away ladies.
All the pretty colors!
How to dress your face with your body
This is the one place you will get to have alot of fun and creativity! Make up is fun and more women should take the time to apply some. In this fast paced world most of us dont have the time. Or simply dont know how to apply it. Here are some fun and simple rules for lady like make up:
a) Dont be afraid of color...but know when to use it. I wish more women would wear color. Having a bad day? Put on some red lipstick and tell me you dont feel better! However, there are times and places for color. The work place; unless it is allowed at your place of work should always be a little more subdued. That doesnt mean you shouldn't use color! Just use it in a tasteful way. Dont apply as heavily and choose one, a bolder eye or a bolder lip. At work having both isnt appropriate.
b) So your not at work, what do you wear? Everything ladies! Color is your friend! Experiment, experiment, experiment! There are no rules when it comes to make up. Blue eye shadow and red lipstick can be worn together! Just make sure one is a little more subdued then the other. And plan your wardrobe carefully around your make up choices. Your out on the town look should be carefully planned and executed. From nails, to hair, to make up, clothing and shoes. And dont forget accessories! They really bring a look to life.
c) The general rule is dark eye-nude lip, light eyes-dark lip. Girls, throw this rule out the damn window! As long as your make up is skillfully applied and tastefully done you can be a beauty queen and wear any color you like.
d) If its frosted, steer clear. Unless you are dressing up for an 80's party, just say no!
e) If at first you dont succeed try, try, try again. Most of us dont know how to apply make up. My advice, practice! Take a little time on your weekends to try fun new colors and new looks. Beauty magazines like Vogue and Elle give great tips on make up application. Need one on one help, go to your local Sephora and get a free make over. Ask the make up artist helping you to choose colors that look good with your skin tone and hair color. Have them do the make over were you can watch in the mirror, study their movements and ask questions! Most of all HAVE FUN!
Look out for How to have Class, Sass and Ass - Part 2!
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